EzCad2UNI Users Manual
Figure 3-11 NumLoops
( The left figure is the object when the NumLoops is 0,and the right figure is the object when the NumLoops is 2)
Auto rorate hatch: Refers to after every marking, the hatch line will fill the revolving angle
which we setted automatically to marking again. For example, angle is 0, aoto rotate angle is 30,
the first mark angle is 0, the second is 30, the third is 60, and so on.
3.5 To origin
to origin
3.6 Delet
Chapter 4 Draw Menu
“Draw Menu” consists of various common items for drawing, for instant, Dot, Line, Curve,
Polygon, etc. Draw Menu has a Toolbar correspondingly, and all the operations can be achieved
by pressing the icon on the Toolbar. For example, as Figure 4-1 shows, when you have selected
the drawing command or the icon in Toolbar, the Present Command Toolbar on the top of the main
window will be changed to show some options of the current command.
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